This looks very cool, and I was already considering switching to i3 myself. Only one question: do you know if there's a way to make it so i3 *can* be exited using only the keyboard? It can be an obscure key combination if necessary, but it would be nice to be able to exit even if my mouse wasn't working or I wanted to use a device with no mouse at all.

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i3-msg exit

This is a good question. The simplest way is to type "i3-msg exit" in any terminal and it'll quit immediately.

Like any command, you can also assign it to a key combination in your i3 config. For example to assign it to mod+Shift+q, add this line to your i3 config:

bindsym $mod+Shift+q exec i3-msg exit

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Oh thanks, that's good to know! I have all I need to make i3 my new desktop then :D

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