Code faster by picking straightforward test data. Straightforward data is fast to write, fast to read, and fast to debug.
Let’s say we’re working in a private testing environment. We need to create a user with a username and password. What else could be more straight forward than this:
username: username
password: password
If we’re making multiple accounts:
username: username[0]
password: password
username: username[1]
password: password
The programmatic notation for the ith username is username[i], therefore as programmers it’s the straightforward choice. If only alphanumeric characters are allowed, then the brackets must be dropped:
username: username0
password: password
username: username1
password: password
If we’re making accounts in a shared environment, we’ll prefix accounts with our username and - to create an adhoc namespace:
username: tadams-username[0]
password: password
username: tadams-username[1]
password: password
If we’re making objects with nested properties, we’ll pick straightforward variable names and fully scoped values based on the variable name:
salesrep = SalesRep(name: "")
customer = Customer(name: "")
Fast to write and fast to read.
Don’t think, write!
Manually writing straightforwardly
Writing straightforwardly is simple and has a lot of repetition. It’s easy and doesn’t require much thinking. We’re on autopilot. Faster typing. Fewer mistakes. Faster writing.
Programmatically writing straightforwardly
Let’s say we need a test with 10 customers. Because we pick straightforward values, even a computer can make the customers.
customers = [Customer(name: f"customer[{i}].name" for i in range(10)]
Imagine if we used clever names, we’d have to write them out by hand:
customers = [
Customer(name: "John"),
Customer(name: "Steve"),
Too slow. Skip the clever names, use straightforward ones.
Vimming straightforwardly
Let’s say we have to unroll the customers loop. It happens. The customers will look like:
customers = [
Customer(name: "customer[0].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[9].name"),
Kind of a pain to write by hand, but vim can write most of it.
Let {Esc} mean the escape key, {C-a} mean Ctrl+a, and {Enter} mean the enter key then writing this text in vim just:
ocustomers = [{Enter} Customer(name: "customer[0].name"),{Esc}qwyyp{C-a}q8@wo]{Esc}
Let’s break this magic down.
We’ll start with inserting boiler plate and the first customer:
ocustomers = [{Enter} Customer(name: "customer[0].name"),{Esc}
At this point the file looks like:
customers = [
Customer(name: "customer[0].name"),
Next, we’ll record a vim macro to “w” to copy the current customer to a new line and increment the index on the new line:
At this point the file looks like:
customers = [
Customer(name: "customer[0].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[1].name"),
Now comes the magic, we tell vim to run the “w” macro 8 times:
Now the file is almost ready:
customers = [
Customer(name: "customer[0].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[1].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[2].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[3].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[4].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[5].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[6].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[7].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[8].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[9].name"),
To close the array, do it manually:
Leaving us with the final file:
customers = [
Customer(name: "customer[0].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[1].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[2].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[3].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[4].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[5].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[6].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[7].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[8].name"),
Customer(name: "customer[9].name"),
Don’t think, read!
Debugging straightforward error messages
Imagine we see this test failure because we were clever:
AssertionError: assert 'I live at 89 E 42nd Street' == 'I live at 151 W 34th Street'
Okay, we think, what object should’ve been returned and what was returned? So…who lives where? Um. Ok, looking back in the code… 89 E 42nd Street corresponds to... Grandy, okay. And 151 W 34th street? Let me look back in the code… that’s Macy.
Ew. Too slow.
Compare it to understanding this test failure because we were straightforward:
AssertionError: assert 'I live at customer[1].address' == 'I live at customer[4].address'
Immediately you know its returning customer[4] when it should return customer[1]. Done. No thinking. Just reading a straightforward error message.
Pick straightforward. Pick fast.